BY: Fiyinfoluwa Egbewale
So says the adage, ‘prevention is better than cure’. There are several ways to prevent or reduce the risk of contracting STIs:
Abstinence: perhaps the safest way to avoid contracting STIs is to stay away from Sex.
Use of condoms and dental dams: condoms provide a reasonable amount of protection against STIs but are not 100% reliable. A new latex condom or dental dam should be used for each sexual encounter. It’s also important to note that non-barrier contraceptives like intrauterine devices and birth control pills offer no protection.
Regulating drug and alcohol consumption: under intoxication, we lose much of our ability to reason sensibly and hence our tolerance to risk, including sexual risk, is increased.
Getting tested: before engaging in any sexual activity with a new partner, it is advisable that both individuals get tested for any STI. You may or may not proceed depending on the result.
Getting vaccinated: certain types of STIs can be prevented by getting vaccinated. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), hepatitis A and hepatitis B are effectively combated by vaccines.