Our Journals
Articles of the Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Students’ Association Journal Club are widely cited globally due to our high-impact publications.
Presently, we rank in the top 2% of all publications on Academia globally. Below are the themed Journal Issues we have rolled out since our inception in 1976.
The contagious illness called coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is brought on by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most virus-infected individuals will suffer from mild to moderate respiratory illnesses and recover without the need for special care. But some people will get quite sick and need critical care. Beiing well-informed on the illness and how the virus spreads is the best method to stop and curb its transmission.
Critical care is medical care for people who have life-threatening injuries and illnesses. It usually takes place in an intensive care unit (ICU) where a team of specially-trained health care providers provides patients 24-hour care including the use of machines to constantly monitor patients’ vital signs. The Critical Care themed journal aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the intensive care field.
Depressive disorder (also known as depression) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how people feel, think, and act. It has significant potential morbidity and mortality, contributing to suicide, incidence and adverse outcomes of medical illness, disruption in interpersonal relationships, substance abuse, and lost work time. Fortunately, it is also treatable.

The management of emergencies still represents a major crux in our health systems. Many Emergency Rooms (ERs) across the country lack necessary facilities such as computed tomography (CT) scans, continuous electrocardiographic monitors, defibrillators, etc…

Public health needs in Nigeria are numerous. It will be foolhardy to attempt to address all these at once, hence, it is best to sort out these issues resulting from factors such as poverty, ignorance and illiteracy, harmful cultural practices, poor governance, and corruption…

Injury is gradually becoming a significant cause of childhood morbidity mortality in the developing world despite the high prevalence of infections and under-nutrition. Trauma accounts for about one million child deaths annually, representing about 16% of the global burden of paediatric diseases…

Blood is life. This well-known aphorism of indubitable veracity embodies a piece of knowledge that is probably as old as mankind. As blood is crucial to the functionality of all organs and tissues in the body, any diseases affecting it will have far-reaching effects on other systems and have the potential to cause significant mortality…

We know the body will survive without Head sustenance, but the Stomach, the god that rumbles and thunders when sacrifice is late, this god cannot be slighted.